Trademark Renewal

A trademark is any one of a kind articulation identified with an item or administration that recognizes it from others. This articulation could be a word, motto, photo, logo, realistic, shading blend, sound or even smell.

An enrolled trademark has 10 years of legitimacy. After that it needs reestablishment. You don't have to stress in the event that you neglect to recharge it as you will get an earlier notification at your enlisted office with respect to the restoration of your trademark. Ordinarily, organizations neglect to recharge their trademark. In this way, the Registrar illuminates them with respect to a similar a half year before lapse. All things considered, in the event that there is no activity from your side, at that point Registrar gives an explanation which says that your trademark would be expelled from Trade Marks Journal. It is an extremely long procedure and takes at any rate 6 a year after termination. So before that, you can restore it by simply paying the measure of fine to the office.

What is included in our Package.

  • Meeting

  • Application Preparation

  • Application Filing .

  • Same day Filing

System for Trademark Renewal

  • Complete our Simple Form Online

    You are required to fill your subtleties in our basic survey and submit archives.

  • Application Submission

    We will make all the necessary applications and document them with Registrar.

  • Your work is Completed, Congratulations.

    Once , the application is recorded , affirmation slip of same will be sent.

Why Trademark Registration Renewal

  • Legitimate Protection Continues

  • Remarkable Identity Protected

  • Trust or Goodwill

Frequently Asked Questions

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