Service Tax Return

Easily File your Service Tax Return

Pvt Ltd Company Registration







Documenting Service Tax Returns

Administration charge is a circuitous assessment which is demanded on the administrations gave by a specialist co-op in India. It is an expense that the specialist co-op pays and later recoups the equivalent from the administration beneficiary of the available administrations.

Administration Tax Registration is necessary for all specialist organizations with a turnover of over Rs. 9 Lakh. Inability to apply would bring about punishments of Rs. 5,000 or Rs. 200 every day, whichever is higher.

On the off chance that you have a Service Tax Registration, you have to record your profits by October 25th (for April to September) and by April 25 (for October to March), regardless of whether you don’t have any incomes. All your Service charge levy are required to be cleared before this recording. Punishments would be imposed if there is any inability to pay assessment forms by the due date.

What is remembered for our Package

Figuring of Tax

Documenting of Returns


Method for Filing Service Tax Returns

Complete our Simple Form

You are required to fill the subtleties in our straightforward survey and submit records.


Give your data

We will require all the necessary data and records for additional procedures.


Plan Service Tax Returns

Administration Tax Return is set up by our master and send for endorsement by you.


Report Submission

We will record the confirmed affirmed administration expense form with administration charge Department.


Your work is Completed, Congratulations

When your Service expense form is recorded, we will send all of you the reports of same.


Highlights of Service Tax

Little scope specialist organizations are absolved from Service charge enrollment that offers support of not as much as Rs. 10 Lacs in a year.

Administration charge enrollment is regarded to be ensured if enlistment of administration charge isn't given inside 7 days, in the wake of recording of structure ST1 alongside the significant archives.

Administration charge isn't relevant for administrations sent out from India.

Administration assessment form is documented two times per year. Return is required to be documented by 25th October and 25th April individually for half-year finishing 30th September and 31st walk.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is pace of Service Return?

Administration expense will be required at a Flat pace of 14% on the sum.

2. Administration expense will be required at a Flat pace of 14% on the sum.

To get administration charge enrollment, a duplicate of PAN Card, verification of address of business and constitution of the business [Partnership deed, Incorporation Certificate, etc.,] is required.

3. When should support returns installments be saved?

Administration return installments must be stored by Companies, Societies, Trust, and so forth., month to month. Restrictive Firms and Partnership Firms are required to make administration return installments quarterly.

4. What is the punishment for not acquiring Service charge enrollment?

Inability to apply would bring about punishments of Rs. 5,000 or Rs. 200 every day, whichever is higher.

5. When is the administration expense form to be recorded?

Administration Returns are documented half-yearly. Returns are to be documented two times every year on 25th October and 25th April for the half-year finishing September and March separately.

6. Who must document this Return?

All people or elements at risk to make good on this expense or having administration charge enrollment must document administration government form.


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