Section 8 Company Registration

business structure for Non Profit Organizations

Pvt Ltd Company Registration


Forms Required










Section 8 Company

A Section 8 Company is a Company which:

Is incorporated for the promotion of commerce, art, science, education, research, sports, charity, social welfare, religion, protection of environment or any such other object.
It intends to apply all its profits, income, or other earnings, in promoting these objects.
Pays no dividend or income to its members.

These are restricted organizations, enlisted under the Companies Act, and will be treated as constrained organizations without the expression “constrained” added to their name. They may have been enlisted as private restricted or open constrained organizations.

Area 25 Company (under Companies Act, 1956) is an earlier form. Segment 8 Companies are an authoritative document for Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) or Non-Governmental associations (NGOs). A Section 8 Company has the power to work anyplace in the nation.

Section 8 Company Registration

The procedure and necessities of a Section 8 Company are actually equivalent to set down for a constrained organization. Counting all the rights and commitments that accompany such a restricted organization. The main perspective where they vary is that a Section 8 Company can't utilize the words "Area 8" or "Constrained" in its name. The way toward enrolling a Section 8 Company is equivalent to fusing a NGO, Trust or Co-usable Society under the Companies Act 2013. An extra necessity is there of looking for a permit from the focal government under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. TThe permit, basically, grants them to erase Private/Public Limited from their name. With this permit, the organization gets qualified for specific exclusions from arrangements of law and have concessions in the charge. In the event that the proposed Section 8 Company has been enrolled as a private constrained then at least 2 advertisers are required. In any case, on the off chance that it is an open constrained Section 8 Company, at that point at least 7 advertisers must be there.

S.No. Number Purpose
To apply with the ROC for Name Approval.
Application for Incorporating the Company
Declaration to Apply for PAN & TAN
Affidavit from each Director and subscriber of the MoA
This is to apply for the issuance of License to operate as a Section 8 Company.
Memorandum of Association (MoA)
Declaration from a practicing Chartered Accountant or Company Secretary
Declaration by each Subscriber of MOA (On duly notarized Non- judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-)
License to operate as Company under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013
Notice of Location of the registered office
Consent of Directors to act on behalf of the Company
Application to ROC to get DIN
Appointment of Directors of the Company

Procedure For Company Registration

Noise for 2 Partners

Advanced Signature For 2 Directors

Name search and endorsement


Enlistment Fees

Organization Pan Card

Documents Required

For Directors/Shareholders

Copy of PAN Card
Aadhaar Card
Address Proof (Bank Statement, Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill)
2 Passport Sized Photographs

One of a kind Component

Name of your organization ought not be indistinguishable or the same to a current organization, business or trademark. You can go to search to confirm if your organization name is the equivalent to other people. You should in a perfect world stay away from plural rendition e.g., “Amazon’s” or changing simply letter Case, dividing or accentuation stamps in a current organization name.

Advantages of Section 8 Company Registration

Being a NPO or Non-benefit Organization doesn’t imply that the Company can’t make a benefit or pay. It just means that the Company can gain salary however the advertisers are not to profit by those benefits. The benefits can’t be dispersed among the advertisers. All wages must be applied to advancing the article.

In any case, certain exclusions and advantages have been accommodated NGO or NPO u/s 8 of Companies Act 2013. Various Tax exceptions are likewise there for such organizations. Indeed, even the benefactors contributing towards Section 8 Company are qualified to guarantee the Tax Exemption against these gifts.

A portion of the focal points are:

Unmistakable Legal Identity:

Section 8 Company has a different lawful element. Not quite the same as its individuals. Its legitimate standing is not the same as its individuals. The Company has an interminable presence. Alongside having sorted out activities and more prominent adaptability.

Zero Stamp Duty:

A Section 8 Company is absolved from the prerequisite of paying stamp obligation on the MoA and AoA of the private or open restricted organization. Which is pertinent for enrollment of different sorts of organization structures.

No Minimum Capital Requirement:

No base capital breaking point has been referenced for a Section 8 Company in India. What’s more, the capital structure might be changed at any phase according to the development prerequisites of the organization. This suggests it very well may be framed with no offer capital. The assets important for conveying the business activities can be brought, later, as gifts and additionally memberships from individuals and the overall population.


Section 8 Company doesn’t have to postfix Limited or Private Limited, close to its legitimate name. It very well may be enlisted with names that have words like Association, Society, Council, Club, Charities, Foundation, Academy, Institute, Organization, and Federation.


Requirements of Companies Auditor’s Report Order or CARO don’t matter to this kind of organization.

Tax cuts:

For Section 8 Companies in India, many tax breaks are conceded.


Section 8 Companies are more solid than every other type of magnanimous associations. They are represented by the Companies Act and are managed carefully. For example, the necessity of an obligatory yearly review, or the MOA and AOA can’t be changed at any stage or circumstance. The guidelines on dealing with the benefits and misfortunes of the organization make these organizations dependable.



Objects of Section 8 Company must be the advancement of Commerce, Art, Science, Education, Research, Sports, Social Welfare, Religion, Charity, Protection of Environment or any such other item.

The Company expects of the organization is to apply its benefits, assuming any, or other pay in advancing these items.

It plans to disallow the installment of any profit to its individuals.

Other than the conditions set down in its definition over, the accompanying standards must be satisfied too for enlisting a Section 8 Company:

Name Approval

The name of your Section 8 Company is the initial introduction to the world. Its choice, in this manner, is significant. It should stick out, yet be anything but difficult to recollect, alluring, important and demonstrative. Here are a few focuses you can remember for picking a name for your organization.


Name of Section 8 Company will incorporate the words Association, Federation, Chambers, Confederation, Council, Electoral trust Foundation, Forum, and other such words. However, there is no compelling reason to include the word Limited or Private Limited to its name


The name of your Section 8 Company ought to show the chief objects of the Company as set out in its MoA. For instance, Aware Health and Research Foundation or Nagarjuna Agricultural Research and Development Institute are Section 8 Companies. Furthermore, their names show the sort of work attempted by them. This aides in marking and altruism


The proposed name ought not fall in the scope of bothersome names as determined in Rule 8 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. The name of your LLP ought not be harsh, against the traditions and convictions of any religion, use slur and foul words or expressions which are utilized as a slur and are hostile to a specific gathering of individuals.

Short and Simple:

The name ought to be brief and not very long. Besides, it ought to be anything but difficult to articulate. An individual should review that name during important issues

One of a kind:

You are not permitted to name your Company that is actually same or indistinguishable from a current organization or brand name or for which a brand name has been applied for. At LegalRaasta, you can check if the name you are proposing matches another person.


Each name need not demonstrate the objects of the organization, mandatorily, however when there is some sign of articles in the name, at that point it will adjust to the items referenced.



Frequently Asked Questions

What sort of Property that can be Mortgaged?

The organization ought to be shaped for the advancement of a social reason. It might be good cause, instruction, industry, sport, and so on. • Income and benefits ought to be utilized for this reason or article as it were. • No profit ought to be paid to its individuals.


Will Section 8 raise Foreign Funding?

FDI (Foreign Direct Investment is permitted, subject to the consistence of FEMA Regulations. Notwithstanding, the equivalent is considered as a Foreign Contribution under FCRA, it tends to be imbued uniquely with earlier consent/enlistment

Could the advertisers of Section 8 Company be workers also?

No. An advertiser of NPOs can’t be utilized as a paid worker of the Company.

Could a Section 8 Company put resources into another organization?

Indeed. Area 8 Companies can put resources into different organizations. To meet the targets of its arrangement.


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