Proprietorship to Private Limited Company

Good for growing businesses

Pvt Ltd Company Registration





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Transformation of Sole Proprietor to Private Limited Company

Numerous businessmen start their organizations as a Sole Proprietorship because of the low consistence necessities. As the business and the livelihoods develop, there is a need to isolate the financial balances and the assessment filings of the Sole Proprietor and that of the business. To achieve this division a potential arrangement is to change over the Sole Proprietorship into a Private Limited Company.

To change over a Sole Proprietorship into a Private Limited Company, an understanding must be executed between the Proprietorship and the Private Limited Company (when it is consolidated) for the offer of the business. Further, such Private Limited Company so consolidated must have “the takeover of a Sole Proprietorship Concern” as one of the goals in its Memorandum of Association.

System For Conversion

Complete our Simple Form Online

You are required to fill the subtleties in our basic survey and submit records.


Acquire DSC and DIN. from us

Subsequent to presenting your records we will give you DSC and DPIN.


Check and Name Approval

For additional systems, subtleties gave by you will be confirmed by our specialists


Report Submission

We will make your reports and application and document them with ROC.

20-25 Working Days

Your work is finished

When your organization is consolidation, we send all of you the records and DSCs.


What is Included In Our Package?

Racket for 2 Directors

Computerized Signature For 2 Directors

Name search and endorsement


Enrollment Fees

Organization PAN Card

Offers the flexibility of a partnership firm and the advantages of a Public Ltd Company.

Least Requirements for Conversion

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it important to have 2 executives in a Private Limited Company Registration?

Truly, you need at least two Directors for a private restricted organization. On the off chance that you are the sole proprietor, you can enroll as a One Person Company.

Who can be an individual from a Private Limited Company?

Any individual/association can turn into the individual from the private constrained organization including outsiders/NRI.

For Conversion of Proprietorship into private restricted organization do I need to be available face to face?

The whole technique is 100% on the web and you don’t need to be available at our office or some other office for conclusion of ownership and joining of private restricted. A filtered copy of records must be sent by means of mail.

Are there some other installments to be made for fuse declaration of private restricted notwithstanding the charge paid at the hour of change?

There is positively no other installment. We will send you a receipt that is comprehensive, with no shrouded charges.


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