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What is GST Return?

Steps for recording GST Return

Administrations for GST Return

Frequently Asked Questions

What is GST Return?

GST return recording is done to keep up monetary records every year. GST return is a report that contains the subtleties of the salary of the citizen. This report should be documented with the expense specialists.

Programming for GST : We at Legal advisory additionally have a product for you to record your profits. This product is straightforward and work. You simply need a pc and web association for this.

For typical citizens, we have 3 designs for it. Fundamental, medium and undertaking.

What’s more, for other citizens, we have 4 plans. Specifically, exacerbating, TDS, ISD and one for non-occupant citizen.

Notwithstanding this, we likewise have internet business plan. Cost of each arrangement is given beneath.

Qualification for bring documenting back

Enrolled people assessable under GST needs to document 3-month to month returns and 1-yearly returns.

In any case, all the organizations who has not surpassed as far as possible, which is Rs.2 lakhs all over India and Rs.10 lakhs in Northeastern and Hill States, isn't qualified.

Each one of those organizations that surpass this limit, needs to document GST return

This ought to be pertinent, regardless of whether a substance makes no deal during a given year as NIL returns.

An organization having turnover of more than Rs.1.5 crore needs to record brings month to month back. Furthermore, on the off chance that the organization has turnover of more than Rs.1 crore, at that point, it ought to be filled yearly also. Underneath this edge limit, a venture has a choice to document it as per their necessities

Types of GST Return

S.No. Return Form Particulars Frequency Due date
Details of outward supplies of goods and services
11th of the next month
Details of inward supplies of goods and services affected
15th of the next month
Monthly return, in the case of finalization of details of outward supplies and inward supplies along with the payment of tax.
20th of the next month
It is a simple return in which the summary of outward supplies along with Input Tax Credit is declared and payment of tax is affected by the taxpayer.
20th of the next month
For all the taxable person registered under the composition levy
18th of the next month after the quarter
Returns for a non-resident foreign taxable person
20th of the next month
Returns for an input service distributor
13th of the next month
Returns for authorities deducting TDS
10th of the next month
Details of supplies effected through the e-commerce operator and the amount of tax collected
10th of the next month
Annual return for a normal taxpayer
31st December of the next financial year
Annual return of a taxpayer registered under the composition levy anytime during the year
31st December of the next financial year
Final return
Only once, when GST registration is cancelled or surrendered
Within 3 months of the date of cancellation or the date of cancellation of order, whichever is later
Details of inward supplies to be furnished by a person having UIN and claiming a refund
28th of the following month for which the statement is filed

Administrations for GST Return

We at Legal advisory additionally have a product for you to record your profits. This product is straightforward and work. The bundles you can consider while recording your profits utilizing our product are:


Free Trial For 2 Months Basic Software Worth Rs.4,999 Enterprise Software Worth Rs.24,999

Normal Taxpayers

Free Trial For 2 Months Basic Software Worth Rs.4,999 Enterprise Software Worth Rs.24,999

Other Taxpayers

Free Trial For 2 Months Basic Software Worth Rs.4,999 Enterprise Software Worth Rs.24,999

E-commerce Portal

File The Return Which Costs You Rs.2,200 Per Month. The Fees Is For GST Returns Of 1 Year Duration. The Forms Included Are GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-3 And GSTR-9


Documents Required for GST Returns


*GSTIN *Legal Name of the registered person *Previous financial year’s aggregate turnover *Taxable outward supplies to a registered person *Taxable outward supplies to a consumer


*GSTIN *Legal name of the registered person *TDS and TCS received *Inward supplies where tax is applicable on reverse charge *Inward supplies received besides those attracting reverse charge


*Turnover *Inter-state supplies *Intra-state supplies *Tax effect of amendments made concerning *outward supplies *Inward supplies attracting reverse change


*GSTIN *Legal name *Inward supplies where tax is payable on reverse charge *Consolidated statement of advances paid *Amendments to details of inward supplies furnished in returns of previous periods


*GSTIN *Legal name *Imported goods *Imported services *Outward supplies made


*GSTIN *Legal name *Amendments to distribution documents and debit or credit notes of previous periods *Input tax credit received for distribution


*GSTIN *Legal name *TDS details *Return period *Liability- payable and paid


*GSTIN *Legal name *Details of supplies made via e-commerce operator *Tax paid and payable *Details of interest


*Turnover *Inter-state supplies *Intra-state supplies *Tax effect of amendments made concerning outward supplies *Inward supplies attracting reverse change


*GSTIN *Legal name *Effective date of cancellation/surrender *Cancellation order date *Tax payable on closing stock


*Unique Identification Number *Name of the persons having UIN *Details of the supplies *Tax period


Privileges on choosing OPC

How much does GST registration cost?

That depends on a few factors. Such as the type of business, package you have chosen, etc

What are the documents required for register for GST?

Each category of business require documents according to its category. However, the basic documents required in each case are: ID-proof, Address proof, business registration proof, bank details, passport sized photographs, etc.

Who needs to register for GST?

A supplier of goods, with an annual turnover of Rs. 40 lakh (Rs. 20 lakhs for special category States), must apply for GST registration. There are certain cases where the taxable person is liable to pay GST even though his turnover has not crossed this limit. Those providing services must get GST registration, once their turnover crosses Rs.20 lakhs and in case of Special Category States at Rs 10 lakhs.

Who doesn’t need to apply for GST Registration?

a)A supplier whose aggregate turnover is less than the prescribed limit and is not even covered under the mandatory GST requirement list. (b)When supplies are covered under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM). (c)Those who are supplying non-taxable goods and services under GST. (d)Agriculturists, (e)Services by any Court or Tribunal established under the law, (f)Services of crematorium, funeral, burial, mortuary, including transportation of the deceased, (g)Sale of land/building subject to Schedule 5 (ii)(b). Actionable claims, other than betting, lottery, and gambling.

What goods or services have been exempted under GST?

Food (such as Cereals, Fruits & Vegetables, milk, etc), Raw Materials (Raw Material, Yarn, Fiber etc), Medical Tools & Instruments (Hearing Aids, or aids used by physically challenged people), Handtools {such as Spades, Shovel, Newspapers, Books, Beehives, Human Blood, Chalk Sticks, Contraceptives, Earthen Pots, Props used in Pooja (including Idols, Bindi, KumKum), Kites, Organic Manure, and Vaccines. etc. Services related to Agriculture, Cultivation, Harvesting, etc. Transportation Services by road or bridge. Services by RBI, Foreign Diplomatic Missions, Postal Services, etc.

What commodities are outside the Purview of GST?

Alcohol, for human consumption, and five petroleum products namely Crude Petroleum, Petrol (motor spirit), High-speed Diesel, Natural Gas, and Aviation Turbine Fuel were exempt earlier, but only temporarily. Also, electricity, as a basic need, has been exempt of GST. VAT & Central Excise, as per the earlier taxation system will continue on those. GST Council has the power to decide which concerns, products, services, or business transactions would need GST registration

Who is a Non-resident Taxable Person?

A taxable person, with no fixed place of business in India. This person resides abroad and undertakes transactions in India, only occasionally.

What is a compliance rating?

The GST compliance rating is a rating based on performance & compliance. It is given to all registered taxpayers. The taxpayer is rated based on his adherence to the GST provisions. The rating system is devised on a scale of 1 to 10, based on the type of business. Here, 10 is the most compliant and 1 being the least compliant. Your buyer would prefer to work with as seller with the highest rating.


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