Change in Directors

Easy online procedure to add or remove Directors

Change in Directors





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Change in Director

Executives are named by the investors of a Company for the administration of a Company. A Private Limited Company is required to have at least two Directors and a Limited Company is required to have at least three Directors. Then again, a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) has Designated Partners and Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 requires each LLP to have at least two Designated Partners. Arrangement or evacuation of a Director or Designated Partners is in this manner required because of different reasons. Legal advisory can assist you with recording the important filings to include or expel a Director from your Company or include or expel a Designated Partner from your LLP . Change in Directors is finished by Legal advisory.



What is included in Our Change in Director Package

Change in Directors Application Preparation

Change in Directors Application Filing

ROC Registration Fees

Procedure For Change in Directors

Complete our Simple Form

You are supposed to fill your details in our simple questionnaire and submit documents.


Provide Necessary Details

Provide us with all the required information and documents.


Document Verification

For further procedures, details provided by you will be verified.


File Documents

we create your documents and file them with MCA.


Your work is now completed

Once your Directors are added or changed, we send you all the documents and DSCs.


Highlights in Changing Directors

Minimum Requirements

To become the Director of a Company, a person must be at least 18 years old and possess Director Identification Number. Foreign Nationals can also become Directors of an Indian Company

Director Identification Number

Director Identification Number or DIN is a unique number allotted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for any person who is a Director of a Company or proposes to be the Director of a Company.

Board of Director

A Private Limited Company must have a minimum of two Directors and up to a maximum of 15 Directors. The Directors do not have to be shareholders. However, they have to be over the age of 18.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it important to keep Statutory Register and Records at its enlisted office?

Normally, records are not checked regularly for Private constrained organizations/LLP. They are generally kept with the CA/CS, who at that point presents the records to the customer as and when required. Likewise, the records can be presently looked after electronically.

Are all organization records compulsory to keep up?

There are sure legal records, for example, Minutes book, Register of Member, Register of Directors, Register of Charge, Register of Transfer, Shareholding Register and so forth which are commanded by the law. Non-upkeep of records can pull in an underlying punishment of Rs. 5000 and Rs. 500/every day going ahead.

Could Statutory Register be looked after electronically?

According to the new organizations Act 2013, an organization can keep up its register in an electronic structure.

Will Non Maintenance of Records pull in any punishment?

Truly, on the off chance that Mandatory records are not kept up by the organization, at that point organization and official in default will be at risk to take care of the punishment. Non-support of records can draw in an underlying punishment of Rs. 5000 and Rs. 500/every day going ahead.


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